All these messages are from real customers who gave us permission to post them on this website.

Your His Secret Obsession course is AMAZING – one afternoon of solid listening, I’ve put it into practice and the effects are phenomenal! You truly have saved our relationship and, while it is only a week later, we are already going from strength to strength. And we both see a wonderful future ahead of us. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.

Best investment ever!!!

Claudia H.

Thank you James!

I found reading His Secret Obsession very inspiring in helping me to understand my husband and has help me to overcome many anger issues I have had with him for what he did to me and our marriage 26 years ago.

I have found peace with your readings too and I find all your blogs very helpful and useful.

I will be forever grateful to you for sharing your works with not only me but for all the other wives, girlfriends and women who read your works.

I thank you for saving my marriage!


Your research and advice was invaluable.

My boyfriend has changed from being distant and too busy to see me – and now the opposite is true.

I kept being patient for ages. Then I read the section about not bottling it all up, fuming inside. Instead I told him by text how I felt – in a nice way, full of compliments.

He immediately asked to see me, he couldn’t wait!

We had a lovely time, and I listened well, talked a bit, following your guidance on the power and beauty of silence.

I could write a lot more, but for now, I just want to say thank you, thank you x 100!


I’m 64 years old. Most likely a bit older than most of the people who read this blog (I’m so old I’m not even sure if it’s called a blog!

I was constantly searching for love. I was sure something was wrong with me because I could never find it. I was always falling for the wrong man. I found physical and emotional abusers. If I loved them they didn’t love me. And if they loved me I didn’t love them. Looking back now, I know I stunk of desperation.

And I was looking so hard that I ignored red flags and saw things in men that weren’t really there. I didn’t marry until I was 33 years old. I stayed in a bad marriage longer than I should have —-17 years —- and I’ve been divorced for going on 14 years. It took me until I was 63 years old to find the man I’ve been searching for all of my life and he just asked me to marry him this past Christmas.

Looking back now, I wish I had just relaxed and enjoyed my footloose and fancy free 20’s, instead of struggling so hard to find love and marriage. And I didn’t learn anything from my disastrous marriage. I laid low for more than 10 years, afraid of getting burned again, then fell into the same pattern of desperation, even more fearful than before because I believed I was too old and it was too late for me to ever find love.

Then I discovered this blog. The wise words of James Bauer have been a godsend for me. I finally learned to play it smarter, relaxed and turned it over to God. And guess what! Love found me!

I know this message is long and most people won’t have the patience to read all the way through it. It I hope enough people read this last —-

Be patient. Let go of the desperation. Read this blog. Take the free advice that is given here and maybe even buy a lesson or two. And maybe you’ll find the man you’ve been looking for all of your life. And chances are much better, thanks to the advice given here, you won’t blow it.

Best of luck.


Hi James,

I just wanted to let you know, I used your tip about getting his curiosity going (I told him I learned something about Dumbledore that he would never believe!) and it worked so well! He texted me right back and I asked if he could guess, and we ended up with this great ongoing text with him very curious about what the answer is, and me telling him how what great guesses he was making!

Thank you!


Dear James,

This email came in spot on and just in time to save the day. It is so unbelievably true what you said about indifference and how contagious it could be if care is not taken.

For two days up until I read this email, I hadn’t heard from my boyfriend which is a tad unusual, especially as he is off on Thursday nights through the weekend. Yet, it didn’t seem to bother me seeing as I didn’t even miss him. Then this morning, it dawned on me that he could be feeling as indifferent just as much or even a little bit more than myself since he did not bother calling me. So when I read your email this morning, I was like “That’s it … indifference… ” So I called him thereafter and tried to shake things up a little bit and now he is picking me up after work to spend the night at my place.

Thank you very much, coach. Please keep it coming.


I love your notes! I have become a happier, more productive and positive partner with all of the things you have taught me! Thank you!


James, everything you say in your notes makes so much sense. Why don’t we all know this intuitively? I appreciate the coaching up. I’m so glad I saw your ad. Your information has inspired me to strive for the life and relationship I have wanted for so long but did not have the courage to seek.

Thank you!

Patricia P.


This may be one of the most meaningful guidances I’ve come across. It is a very worthy exercise. Thank you!

P.S. I still enjoy following you very much!


Jung P. it worked. I texted my ex bf (been broken up for 6 months dated just shy of 3 yrs) yesterday morning and he surprised me at night by coming up behind me where he knew I would be and said So what is this question you have? Then he took me out to dinner/drinks.

Elisa L.


You think you have done a great job being passionate and inclusive in relationship advice. Thank you.

For someone like me who has experienced childhood trauma and knows nothing about relationships your knowledge goes far. I’ll keep on reading.


Darlene P.

I am totally happy with this course. It has revived my confidence and given me a sense of control. I used to do some of the things mentioned in your course (before ever reading your material) but I had no real target.

Your explanation of tapping into the hero instinct was the target to help me focus. I already used 1 thing I learned & already saw immediate positive results! I was amazed! I haven’t even finished reading all modules yet but I intend to reread them many times.


Amazing!!! I purchased your Irresistible Insights and they are an absolute gold mine of advice. Looking forward to getting more, truly worthwhile products here.


James (and his team?),

Just a quick note to thank you. I’ve been married for 6 years now, and my husband and I come from military backgrounds. After his most recent deployment he came home different, and not in a good way. Let me be honest, it was bad…silent house, minimal intimacy, filed for paperwork at one point-bad…we moved and reorganized priorities after that, but he still pulled away and often in his head.

I learned about minimizing and focusing on myself at that point, spent a lot of time reading and introspection and trying new things. It seemed to help some because the fighting and silence went down but it still wasn’t much fun.

I got your program a week or so ago (excellent marketing by the way, I was pleased), and decided to start with the 11-word text for a situation I was having at work. No kidding, he called me in four minutes. I spent two or three minutes on the phone, thanked him for his insights and went on my way.

I’ve been steadily reading through my purchases and recently decided to ask him about his work situation. He expressed his frustrations and so I switched and asked him what his dream life would be based on your recommendations on how to phrase the question.

TWO HOURS LATER…he values freedom, appreciation, and mastery of his skills. It was one of the most insightful times I have had to listen to my beloved.

Subsequently, he’s now looking at a new job, he starts explaining the concepts to me today and I replied by reiterating how this job might meet his needs for freedom and appreciation. He. Lit. Up.

I told him I had his back and that I respected his courage to pursue a life of provision through his dreams. Big sweet kiss earned for that one!!

In all, it’s not perfect, but we are improving where it counts. I have a significantly improved appreciation for connecting with my handsome and wanted to say thank you for the multiple resources. Worth every penny!

Have a wonderful evening,


Hi James,

You are sharing great wisdom. Thank you for that!!

Also, I started reading through your course on The Hero Instinct. It’s the first course I am working on, and I find it amazingly eye-opening.

The information you are providing and the way you present it resonates deeply with me and is inspiring. Thank you for sharing important insight. It’s helping me a lot to improve my understanding of people and situations. And, I am positive this newly gained and growing awareness will help me a lot. I do enjoy reading your scripts.

The information you share is not shallow and obvious, but it runs deep. I find it very meaningful and enriching.

Thank you and be well,


I felt the same way about my long distance relationship and used the programs from James Bauer and Michael Fiore… I bought everything they offered and used the tools… it all worked! It was a valued asset to invest in my life long love… worth so much more because of my true happiness and ability to find a wonderful man and love and be loved the way we deserve to be… priceless! Now my distant and cold relationship has responsed perfect for me man… he’s hot and flooding my email with responses and has even committed himself verbally to me… turns out he was busy and focusing on some family issues and work…if I had followed my first female instinct to talk to him… it would have made him more distant… instead I just used all the tools to attract and text him romantic phrases and in no time we were back better and closer than before!!


Hello James,

You are an excellent source of material for the “happy life”, full of deep philosophy and potent insight into the sticky situations which we, as women, often have to face.

Thank you for all your advice which has helped me more than you will ever know!




I have no way to thank you, and tell you how much I appreciate all the information you give us on your course, teaching us to be cousinous or just like you said, teaching us fishing.

In this world with a huge attack information, many times we get lost and anxious, sometimes we get the answers about what to do but we don’t know how were they got, why is that result, so at the end we finally finish falling on many mistakes, is like trying to make mathematics work by only getting the results but never been taught how, why, where does it come from?, but when we are taught from internal being the way to learn is beautiful and your being feels comfortable instead anxious.

Your work is invaluable, thank you so much to allow it to be accessible!


Just wanted you to know I am deeply impressed with your teaching style. The respect misunderstanding has been my main obstacle with men. You seem to hold the keys and the way you are providing a consciousness tweaking along with examples of subtle changes showing respect is the best teaching about men I have found so far.

I only regret not buying the entire package, have grown defensive of the click bank funnel approach to add ons because of getting so many that were not worth the $$ or valuable in any way. This is the first course I have regretted not doing so.

Really really valuable!!

Thanks so much,

Pam M.


they finally contacted me yesterday and quickly took care of the issue. thank you very much for your quick response. There is nio need for James to get involved at this time if he has not already.

I am very thankful for the information that I have gotten from James. It helped me meet and keep my man.

(A wedding announcement was attached to this email, she’s on her way to being happily married because of James’ work.)

Thank you James for teaching me how to show respect to this amazing man! I feel very grateful.


Thank you so much for this course!

I love the specific examples and how u write out details of different scenarios! It’s so important when learning how to act and speak in a different way! I would love to read more detailed examples of the types of speech to use in a relationship to best bring out the love and admiration in a relationship.

Thanks again! Love the course, I am looking forward to ur first and lengthy published book on the subject! I hope u r working on publishing one!!


I have to say James I was a bit skeptical at first when I was starting this program of yours. I’m married have been for 12 years, this is a second marriage for both of us. Your words on respect are SPOT ON! He has done a complete turn around since I started talking to him in a different way.

WOW to be honest I was upset with myself at first because we really could not afford for me to spend the money on the program. But it has saved my marriage (so far) I hope in the long run forever. Just wanted to take a minute to tell you thanks!


Hope this gets through. Just want you to know how very much I DO appreciate your thoughts and insights in these emails!!!

PLEASE don’t stop. You are so insightful and have helped me so much.


What a beautiful thing to say. Thank you, I needed this today. I left my husband of 25 years for this reason, and I have been heart-sick and broken hearted ever since. I left my baggage at the door, but couldn’t quite leave the rejection there. I have been applying the principles you have taught me and I have a wonderful man in my life who has just told me that he respects me! I thought I was going to burst! What a relief to find a diamond! Thank you.

Connie P.

You are so helpful to me James. You care about the situation I am going through right now. I believe one day your help will put me into a better position with my beloved one.
Thanks indeed.




I absolutely love your disclosure At the end of your emails. I continue to grow even more fond of you as an author and coach.

Thank you for being so authentic!!!



Dear James,

I would like to say that you are the most wonderful relationship coach! Since I bought your product months ago and subscribing to your emails, I can conclude this. Other relationship coaches / experts.. they give emails that aren’t really that sincere. There is always somehow a commercialised aspect to it. However with your emails, you are sincere with your words and not afraid to share extra thoughts to help others. Your emails are calming and mind-opening. At times, quite philosophical. Makes the readers more knowledgeable. May God bless you even more.

I’m writing this just to give a compliment and a great pat on the back.




I hope you receive this and read it. This article is superb, and among the most important of anything else you can write.

I thought about this and discovered it for myself. Am working on it, and am very encouraged. It’s a mixture of “positive thinking”, creative thinking, stress management – by relaxation and visualization methods – and has the added bonus of improving the body’s immune system, as well as “just” making us feel “happy”.

(I’m not a genius, this is a natural evolution from my professional background).

All good wishes,


This is so good James!

I just love the rational/heartfelt communications that you gift with no sales pitch whatsoever.


Pamela M.

Hi James,

I just have to say thank you very much for this! It works totally perfect for me!

You can´t imagine how much you helped me just now.

Thanks again,


Hi there! Just wanted to say thank you for all the great information and insight. I am learning so much. I want a great relationship with someone and feel you have to do your part in making that happen. Learning, experiencing, and research are the keys to becoming a better person.
I am a professional and know how important it is to come across as intellectual as possible in your field, while maintaining accuracy in presenting that knowledge. It creates confidence from the person you are “teaching”. Presentation is the key to confidence. I want to share the information to my other friends. There is so much great knowledge and insight, I don’t want them to miss any of it.

Thanks again for creating such a wonderful program.


Vivian K.

Dear James,

Thank you! So well expressed.

I agree 100% .. And I always have it present…and even then, when I let go and abandon myself to the possibility, there is a sensation of void, of falling, and recognizing the fear… And knowing there is nothing to fear… It is well worth it, loving unconditionally, and being loved the same way simultaneously is worth it even if for a fleeting moment, even if we may lose it,…And if you have been lucky and experienced it once you will never settle for anything less….

Thank you again…. The beautiful song by John Legend “All of me”, takes me there… “Even when I lose, I’m winning…” Soooo true…

Thank you for all your emails!!


I love your advice… I am 9 months into a good relationship, with a man who LOVES beautiful women. It’s hard, to “compete”, in my head… However, he goes home with me. And your empowering me, and reminding me that there is a reason, he goes home with ME, is priceless. I never let him see me sweat, because of your advice. We shall see how this goes. More importantly, if I lose him… I know I will be okay!


Another thank you for more “new” information…James you are the best about giving us info no one else ever talks about…I love this Peter Drucker’s “The Most important thing in communication is to hear what isn’t being said.”

Thanks again.

Maggie F

Dear James,

That tip of the day (“I can’t wait”) is SOOOO beautiful!! I love it! It means so much, and it is applicable to all aspects of life: slow down and enjoy the moment. When we look for a big bang and fireworks, we miss the slow, simmering fire and passion that is right before our eyes! There is so much to be enjoyed in the little things. Savoring the little things is the only true way to enjoy life and to experience true pleasure!
Thank you again!


Hi James,

Thank you so much for your time and effort in sharing your insight with women to create and build better relationships. I have enjoyed being your student, and I feel confident in working out what I have learned over the course of the past seven months. I have started a new relationship and I have already put some things into practice and it has helped. So, thank you again, and God bless you James.



You’re always so brilliant and I really appreciate every tip of the day you have to offer. Since I’ve become a subscriber, I look forward to your e-mails the most. I am truly quite happy and feel quite blessed to be able to see you in my inbox.

I really love the new newsletter style too btw.


All I can say is “wow” this is the most amazing information I have read in my whole entire life. It has made me look at myself in a whole new light. It has been a blessing in disguise for me. The first 24 hrs has made the biggest impact on me and everyone around me especially for my interactions with my two and half year old twin boys along with my casual partner. Thank you so so much, words can not describe how I’ve changed my way of thinking.

Kind regards,

Shannon K

This article speaks volumes to me. I’ve come out of an abusive relationship, and I was just about to repeat myself.
I got out just in time, but I was wondering whether I had done the right thing, then your article came into my inbox.

Thank you,



Thank you for letters and emails – they are always so inspiring. I appreciate how positive and do-able your suggestions are – like the “choose wisely” note!

Thank you for your help, you have changed my life.

Katie Q

I would just like to share that I consider James a big part of my journey. James’ fundamental “secret” about understanding men and respect absolutely changed my dating forever – and the first night I met my boyfriend, now husband to be, I felt he was the one (as he also later shared with me that he felt the same) – keep in mind this was on the first night we met. I immediately applied the respect “technique” even in my first evening with him. And since that time, the journey has continued to lead us to such an amazing place under God’s timing and I couldn’t be happier to tell you that he made a promise towards engagement this past Saturday absolutely also respecting me and affirming I am the woman of his dreams and sharing with me that your wildest dreams really do come true as he slipped the ring on my finger.

Alyson C.

Hi James,

Just a quick note to thank you for your fantastic emails.
I re-read the literature that I purchased over and over as I was determined that the next time I started a new relationship I would do everything in my power to be the best woman I could be.

Now I have met a man that is just amazing & I am sure that if I keep practicing what I have learned with the help and encouragement from your emails, I may finally have a wonderful relationship. I can’t thank you enough.

Warm regards,


I’m basing this email on the positive imagery that James has talked about. I’ve been seeing someone off and on, someone I’m completely taken with.
I kept hitting snags in going forward with the relationship because of my past relationship failures and fears of being taken advantage of etc. The latest snag had us not communicating at all. It took me two weeks to get the courage to call him and I kept practicing positive imagery. Well I left a very positive message on Friday afternoon, by Saturday evening I was falling apart, feeling sure that I would never see this man again. On Sunday afternoon I received a message back that he had been out of the country and was looking forward to seeing me again. By Monday morning I was in his arms again with him joining me at the beach, going out for lunch etc. We spent 2 whole days together and our time was filled with sweetness, joy and laughter. And it would have never happened if I had not practiced positive imagery before I left that message.

Thank you James!!

Thank you James Bauer. I love getting your emails. They are always packed with such practical useful advice. I mean, REALLY, REALLY meaningful stuff even before one chooses to get into the paid courses. It shows that you really care and know what you are talking about. Having guidelines like the ones you provide (which are so easy to implement, in my opinion) is excellent. I plan to get one of your courses soon.

Anna C

Gosh I love theses gems you send. I so look forward to getting them. I went on my first date with someone Special. First time in 12 years since my husband passed. I was ready to open my heart again. We were driving and for some reason I lightly place my hand on his leg. I guess this was something that I did all those years with my husband…. And did not realize it until he placed his hand on mine and lightly squeezed it

Now on a new journey. But still need this weekly help from you

Thank you,

Darlene W.

I just want to take a minute to thank you. I read your messages and always find a kernel of wisdom and enrichment. I don’t know what else to say, except thank you. It is rare to have so much help with so little hype.

I have high hopes for a beautiful, happy, loving, passionate relationship soon!

All love and respect,


Thank you so much! The help in your books are the key to saving my marriage, It was amazing and magical, I started with just trying it not sure it would work, but I was grasping for anything and I was willing to change.
Wow! So amazing and I just love my new self esteem, I love my new life and falling in love with my husband again so great, I opened the door and happy to say the door is still wide open.

Keri H.

IT WORKED!!!!!!!! And it only took 24 hour for my man to start calling me ‘Babe’, and saying I love you again!. I paid for the online course via PayPal and I got result immediately. I was hesitant at first but I’m so glad I purchased His Secret Obsession. I’ve been reading it so intensely and the information in it worked.


Ever since I bought your programs, I have been trying to apply your wonder advice into my marriage, and it has caused some very hilarious moments!

You see, I am NOT used to having my husband’s help in the kitchen, and lately, he loves to help me in the kitchen! And I get so distracted by him being in there, flustered!… That I make every mistake I possibly could! So to all you women out there… Avoid using a sieve when your man starts hanging out in your kitchen… I tend to make a lot of mistakes with that stupid thing when my husband is around.

My husband asked me, “Why am I in the kitchen all the time lately?” He couldn’t figure out what was drawing him there… I know though… It was ME! I wanna thank you James for your kind heart and sharing this incredible information with us women! You should make a new law, that before any man gets married, they gotta tie your program around their necks for their brides… Like an instruction manual… That would be very helpful for all women out there!!

And I forgot to mention, I have been married for 17 years to this man… Who didn’t like my kitchen area…. Lol


Dear James and team,

I’m another very happy customer! We’re both 70 and have known each other as friends for 30 years. Even though he’s had a crush on me during all those years, he was holding me at arm’s length for various reasons until I started applying the principles in your course. It’s absolutely magical for me to experience him turn around in a short time and become attentive. He’s calling me his girlfriend now and talking about the future. I’m excited to watch our relationship unfold in a beautiful way for the first time in my life. Thank you very much!


Just took a moment to say how damn awesome James is! Whatever makes him do this, whatever makes him write such beautiful stuff… just let him know it’s amazing and appreciated.

James you are the man… don’t let anyone tell you different…=)))


James, I love this thank you. I put myself out there recently and did fall in love and it ended with my broken heart. And even though there were many moments I could have pulled back and played it safe I decided to allow for the love. I don’t regret it for a second because I got to see he was not the right one for me. I’m a single mom and had not dated in seven years. Not only did I break the spell, I felt joy in a relationship. I got to feel beautiful and sexual again and because of this I feel like I’m becoming more my true self. Flexing my relationship muscles, staying open and following my passion for songwriting. The right one will come. I feel it. Your words validated what I my gut was telling me.


Hi James,

I’m loving the emails and particularly the tips at the end of the email. Somehow they always seem to reach me at a time I seem to need clarity!

Thank You!


Hi James,

I have started reading. So funny I sent a text yesterday thought about what I was going to say & worded it different based on my learning to date, got an immediate response. LOL..

Julie J.

Thanks, James!

Letting my wonderful man know often how much I appreciate, trust and respect him does wonders. All the time. Every time. Very cool. The wonderful thing about “my ” love is I never used to tell him, and it is something he wants so badly. So our relationship is so much better. Even more awesome.



Thank you. Again. I’m finding that the information you share is accurate and so helpful. I started out as my smart, cynical self who’s already read all the self-help books, thinking I’d quickly find a reason to dislike it and cancel, but no. I’ve paid for two of your courses and now these ongoing free emails provide excellent reinforcement–they are not lame at all. Even when it’s stuff I may have read or thought about myself before, your takes often give me new perspective or practical ways to apply it.

I am in my mid-50s, and enjoying a great, really fun relationship where we’ve been doing exactly what you’ve suggested today: bringing each other happiness! I know some of your tips have helped me keep things going with this guy (two years and going strong) who a few years prior to meeting me, had decided he’d be a “solo traveler”. But I was irresistible and now he knows: life is much sweeter with me. It’s great to be older and wiser, taking it nice and easy and happy, happy.

Keep up the good work; I am a fan.


Hi James,

I read your, “His Secret Obsession” and I would like to say thank you. I did not end up getting the guy I wanted. He was my ex and after we broke up I thought he still wanted me just as much as I wanted him. We didn’t end it on bad terms, so as I tried to become stronger and better myself, I always hoped that energy would lead me to him. Now I see that everyday I tried so hard to get closer to him, he chose to move on. And in my moral opinion, I can’t be with a guy who doesn’t try as hard as I do or love as hard as I do. I have loved and waited for this guy for so long and hoped that he would be able to see me in a different light and when he finally did, it wasn’t enough for him, instead he chose another woman.

When I finally was able to contact him and get to know him, I realized that he’s not the guy that I fell in love with anymore. He had changed and so had I. I can’t go back to someone who doesn’t match up to my love. This whole time I thought he loved me just as much as I loved him, I thought he was working hard to find me as well, but we chose to take different paths. I chose self-love, he didn’t.

I realized through your teachings that this guy was not good enough for me and if I used these tips on him it would have been wrong. I’ll admit it, I so badly wanted him back at one point that I didn’t care how rude he was to me or that he didn’t care for me anymore, and I was going to use what I learned for my own selfish gain. But my heart always stopped me from making the wrong choice. I’d rather use your teachings to make the right person happy. I’d rather use it to fulfill harmony and peace with someone who tries just as hard as I try. My greatest challenge right now is mending my broken heart and making myself into a better person not for a guy, but for me.

Thank you for everything you taught me. I truly appreciate it and use it for good.



Dear James,

I would like to thank you for what you have done for me. I was not expecting what I saw when I opened my computer the next day, after I had gotten in touch with Be Irresistible. When I saw what you had done for me, I started crying! I couldn’t believe it. Someone on the Internet, that I don’t even know, doing something like that, for ME! You gotta be kidding me! I was astounded and somewhat confused, but not for very long, cause I’m witty. I have never before in my whole life met someone like you on the Internet and I wanted to take the time to say Thank You James, Thank You. As the days went by, I kept receiving emails from you and your company but didn’t pay much attention to them, figuring it was because the people who take care of accounts hadn’t gotten the news to close mine yet. Then today, another email about the “Top 3 mistakes…,” that made me really curious. I decided to take a look and see what was going on and tried the password you gave me and it worked. It WORKS! I was able to log on to your site and take a glimpse at your work and I was so excited to see that I had access to all of that. I couldn’t believe it. I even had “His Secret Obsession” that was still there for me. Incredible! I called my mom to tell her because you know, this NEVER happens! I had already told her the beginning of the story and now THIS! I am so grateful and appreciative, I have no other words but Thank You, James. I wish I could say more because you deserve more. I wonder why, and maybe I’ll never know, but one thing is for sure is that I’ve never ever met anyone quite like you on the Internet, never! Thank You again, James, for what you did for me. I will forever remember this and remember you.

D. Sargent

I would like to say thanks because it has helped me to make some life altering moves for the better.

The section that helped me the most was the section about if I should leave. The signs were there but your program gave me the courage to walk away. Yes, it’s hard but you have shown me to be a stronger person and that I can move on without this person in my life even after investing over 2 years.

C. S.

Dear James,

I have to admit you are so right. As women, we forget what talents we had going when we attracted that Man in the first place.

Tried your call for help, at first it was more “ok what do you need?” attitude. But the flattery helped and he warmed a bit more.

Next I tried the hint of how important I can be to his future goals. Wow, he jumped into my lap.

Have to keep reading and try the next one!

I just wanted to drop a line and let you know that it really was that easy.

No talk of love or guilt or any mush. Just I need his help and at the same time I can help him.

Thank You!


James, I appreciate your book. I also appreciate these periodic pieces of information from you. They seem authentic and not game like.

Thank you James!

Cynthia H.

James, I tried some of your suggestions tonight and they worked!!!!

Just wanted to give you some feedback!


OK, the magic phrase didn’t take more than 3 minutes to get a response!

Wow, I’m impressed that worked!!!!


James, I always read your emails because I bought your materials like a year ago when I thought my marriage was over. I was looking for something to help me stay married. That day I saw your ad and decided to give it a try.

I remember that I listened to the whole audio-book in a day and by the time my husband got back from work I already had some of the advice in my mind. So I put them at practice right away and the result has been amazing!

I just don’t know if you realize how good your work is but I feel that I have so much to thank you for, my kids and myself. Please keep on doing what you do and don’t change the way you express your ideas. It is so professional and easy at the same time. I want you to know that I wish the best in life for you and also that I keep my audio-book as a precious treasure in my smartphone. I play it every time I need to remind myself of something. I hope this is not your only work and that soon you would give us some more of what you really have a gift on.


I read the 1st 4 chapters & utilized your suggestions Saturday. That evening, we went to dinner (after no texting or speaking for over a week). Still a work in progress, but I am much more confident now in communicating with him on a different level. Thank you for showing me things that I missed & could have done differently.


Hi James,

I hope you will receive this message, I bought your 2 programs this week-end and I must tell you it is changing my life every minute. I am so grateful that I bumped into your site. I really felt like God and the Universe moved me you in your direction. I can’t wait to get home and learn some more…..

I will let you know my progress. I know I will be happier for the rest of my life.

You are awesome!!!!

Thank you,



You are so inspiring!! Have you considered writing a book .. I mean with these nuggets of truth for all people not just females. You are touching the hearts of so many women I’m sure! But your emails resonate to ALL people , pity it wouldn’t be shared with so many others who would drink up this profound knowledge!

You Are quite evolved. I love your spiritual spin! I’ve actually met someone about 7 weeks ago!

I’m still reading your emails because they are that good !! They are wonderful!! Don’t stop!

Wish you much success in spreading your messages of self-love and compassion, as well as, enjoying Life to its fullest!

Peace !


Great stuff!

Best regards,


Hi James,

I was so relieved to receive this email as I feel I am ready to attract the kind of man I want . I also feel the dating sites encourage ladies to pursue men .. I don’t like doing that .. So I will continue going about my happy social life, going out and I have no doubt I will meet my “soul-mate” who will share the same hobbies etc I do ..

I am at the stage where I love myself, my life so I will let you know how things turn out

Your Aussie optimistic romantic,


Hello James,

You are an excellent source of material for the “happy life”, full of deep philosophy and potent insight into the sticky situations which we, as women, often have to face.

Thank you for all your advice which has helped me more than you will ever know!




As usual, I find your email once again enthralling. I’ve subscribed to many different relationships/dating news-letters the past 11 years since my divorce and yours is one of the few I’ve kept.

Thank you!


Fantastic insight!

Thank you for sharing this practical tool… I feel a surge of empowerment and gratitude as I read!



Thank you so much James!!!

This has resonated with me far more than anything previously shared. There are loads of ‘resonances’ happening in my life right now which are difficult to quantify….but all have a ‘meaning’ …even if I am not in tune or aware at this moment…but I know they will make sense at some point.

My love of music and playing of music is something truly special….I thank you for helping me to appreciate, value and believe in it more.

Your e-mail has been an affirmation of all I truly believed but did not have the confidence to share.


Thanks James.

I subscribed to a number of dating website, but you are my favorite. I like your advises.


I love your emails. They are very straight forward and offer no nonsense, helpful guidance. I enjoy reading and thinking how they apply to me and how I can use the information you share to better my relationship than any other relationship emails I get.

I would go on to add that the reason his emails are so helpful is that he isn’t constantly trying to sell you another program. He is imparting thoughtful, real relationship insight and wisdom in full detail not in a snippet that requires you to purchase something further to get to the real content. I appreciate that very much.

Thank you.


Hello, I just want to shoot you a big THANK YOU for writing the What Men Secretly Want manual. My boyfriend has been so focused on work and pulling away. Your explanation on why men pull away put me at ease and I was able to use your advice in the Art of Intrigue manual by not being available when he came around but was warm and gentle on the phone when he called.

Oh boy, it really worked. I enjoyed a day of him pursuing me and know what to do the next time he pulls away. Also, I absolutely love your explanations and examples in the manual. It’s the best advice yet so far. I could also you the respect principal with my male bosses at work. I’m 100% female so it’s so nice to understand what men are like.

Thank you, thank you!


Thank you so much! I love you for this. I love my man so much; so blessed to have such a wonderful person to be next to in my life. It was easy to answer five in all the categories-wrote it out on the back of an envelope and will rewrite it again in my journal where it can be referred to easily.

We’ve known and loved each other for ten years; and owing to a few simple concepts in Divine Ignorance, he keeps being the new exciting happy boyfriend who ‘just came’ into my life. And we aren’t kids either, we’re both 59. I love his self-love. I can so trust it. It holds me.

People who love themselves like it’s the most obvious human right and self-responsibility find it easy to be happy with others. This is what I’ve learned in deed from Eric. Thank you for your service to the polarity between the sexes Mr. James Bauer

You are God’s coin.


Hi James,

Thank you very much for your help. Thank you for being who you are. I always look forward to reading your emails. Hope to keep getting your input.

God bless you always.



Hi and thank you.

Getting unstuck, can have different degrees of difficulty, as you know. First it depends on how deeply you have been dug in, and the amount of destruction that must be undone. I know that people think that it should be easy for me to get unstuck, but, they have not walked in my shoes. I am doing my best. If only I had never made mistakes.

So sorry. I have not one, but several situations to deal with all at once. I am dealing with them one at a time. One important factor is the amount of support that one has and without all of you, I would have none, so please, please, accept my heartfelt THANK YOU. Sincerely.

You are all wonderful. If one has support in life, they can accomplish anything. Without support, it is very difficult. I am working on getting out of debt, working on trying to find a second form of income, trying to maintain my role as a mother and grandmother without letting on to my children that anything is out of kilter, trying to survive a job which is extremely stressful and where I deal with a lot of unfair judgment and many strong personalities. The fact that I have no one to talk to and no money to work with certainly adds to the complexity. You all have helped me tremendously.

You will never know how much I have looked forward to receiving emails from you and have appreciated learning from all the information that you have sent. Hopefully, one day, I will be able to repay you in some way. I am very blessed in that I have the most beautiful children and grandchildren and know that God gives second chances!

Thank you for all that you do. You are all amazing.


I just wanted to say thanks for all the info I have purchased and your e-mail. ! They have been very helpful. And have started using them on a person I have been seeing. It has helped. I don’t know if he is the one yet. But it has helped me understand him better.

And I’m not as frustrated and crying like I was. I’m back to my jovial self. Which people have always noticed in me. Through a lot of bad times I always had a smile. .so now I’m back on track.

Thanks again.


You are helping me redirect my energies on what I should be doing, instead of what they have done. I appreciate you in a way I cannot express because I have not lasted past 4 years in relationship. I have been lucky to have LOVED so much but just not long term. I tend to focus on the emotions and not telling him how I feel and learning to do this is making a huge difference.

My ex was always on the defensive because I used my hurt to break him down from hurting me and this is not productive, only destroys it. Thank you……Thank you.



You’re the best…you are the most sincere and right on of all of the coaches…thank you for this email most of all…it gave me a lift hearing your feelings on the subject of ‘talking’ and how men appreciate not having to have constant conversation and how it makes them feel more intimate.

Thanks again!


I enjoy your blogs. I tell my story to help people heal. I love public speaking and sharing hope. I am a healer

I too read many psychiatric material in addition to spiritual material. Healer, heal thyself!

I understand, it’s funny what touches some people and not others. Nonprofits need money from anywhere they can get it. Grant Writing does not begin to cover all costs.

I’m enjoying learning about what you write. I have been buried in books and work for years, kind of forgot how to flirt, and utterly clueless about men flirting with me! I’m learning from you.

Thank You for sharing what you know!


This appeared as a blog post comment on 10-10-13

I felt the same way about my long distance relationship and used the programs from James and Michael Fiore …I brought everything they offered and used the tools….it all worked! It was a value asset to invest in my lifelong love… worth so much more because of my true happiness and ability to find a wonderful man and love and be loved the way we deserve to be….priceless! Now my distant cold responded perfect for me hot and.

Flooding my emails with responses and has even committed himself verbally to me….turns out he was busy and focusing on some family issues and work…if I had followed my first female instinct to talk to him…it would have made him more distant. Instead I just used all the tools to attract and text him romantic phrases and in no time we were back better and closer than before!!


Thank you! The ring of truth in you’re words makes me cry. I have 4 children with my husband I have to have a relationship with him for their sake wether or not we stay married. I only got your program last week and I have gotten a overall good response from him after applying the respect principal with him. We married very young and after only knowing each other for 3 months. I had no idea how much I was disrespecting him, or where his anger and withdrawal came from. I hope by applying my knew self knowledge to our relationship we can find our way back to each other. Have you ever seen this happen for a couple? Do you have any instructions to get back to mutual respect and or how to forgive and move on together?

Thank you for giving me so much! I feel very alone, and I really need someone on my side!


Thank you…I DO appreciate your thoughts and the quotes by some of my favorite inspiring people. I am not a pessimist, but I do get caught in despair sometimes. Thanks again

Tina K

I have learnt from James that a man values respect above all else; even sex. My hubby withdrew from me for very long, sex died and he started an affair with a woman 10 years younger than me.

I ignored him; I had to learn that love cannot withstand indifference for long. At least the affair stopped when I started paying attention to his needs (really listening to him without interrupting and filling in his conversation). I learnt that sometimes just listening actively is enough without even saying a word. I learnt to put my needs first, giving him space without insisting that I know wherever he went (stopped being needy)! Started having my own time and paying attention to myself. I started asking for a date and not waiting to be taken out and even if he does not want to I would spend time with my friends and let him know.

Now I understand why my hubby has pulled away from me and how to get him back, how to put the spice back. I have learnt that I can help him to communicate from his heart and talk more.

We went away for 5 days and we talked for hour and the sex was the most fantastic in over 6 years!

We continue to talk and complement each other, stress level has come down, he is more vibrant.



Please let James know that this is his best email. It’s short to the point and very true. Thank you.


This email was just beautiful to read for several reasons – firstly there was no ‘hard sell’ at the end to watch someones video on their e-book or whatever.

Secondly it is great useful advice for us girls to implement straight away.

And thirdly, it made me feel very happy with myself because this is something I love to do for the man I adore who is one of those who thinks a lot, keeps his own counsel but his actions speak louder than words.



Thanks for a superb and powerful piece.

I could have really learnt from that, years ago yet feel my prior experience makes me ripe to really feel and integrate these insights for now and onwards.

I feel you are so right to point us, your readers, to the energetics involved, assessing the relationship readiness of a guy (even when there is mutual attraction) and valuing the fine, precious energy of heart, body, mind, spirit.

I value the thought and depth in all of your writing James and wanted to express that today.




I want to say to you that your articles stand much higher than most of the stuff anywhere.

Really. and I have read a lot. always beautifully written and plain of knowledge and good sense!

Thank you!


Dis is one of d best, thanks.


Thanks for your emails. They have very good succinct advice not like the pages of waffle that some sites have. It’s not just for dating but generally improving your outlook on life all round. I find they pick me up and show me a better way of thinking.

Thanks again.


I just wanted to thank you for this amazing email. It’s really answered a question that confused me for the last 3 years …

I read all of your emails , but unfortunately can’t afford to buy the so beneficial books you have ( sorry as English is not my mother language , reading & understanding it are easier than expressing feelings and ideas by using it )..Through the last 7 months I passed through an awful LDR , & that’s after the passing by of my husband 3 years ago.

I feel better after each time I read your emails.. Many thanks



Hi James!

I’m an Indian, and have been practicing meditation for over 4 years. I’m through module 1 to 6 and must say, that while the course suggests that meditation would assist in increasing the intuitive awareness, for me the process has been bi-directional. Your course has deepened my meditation practice as well as intuition.

I hugely respect you for your relationship advices that are value-based rather than gratification-based. Your written words seem as if you were directly speaking to me.

Thanks for your goodness and deep insights.


James – this is amazing, so profound. Thank you so much for sending it. I have copied it to my wonderful long-time close friend; I wonder what effect it will have on him. We are both in our late 60’s. I hope it’s never too late for true love to be recognized – and acted upon.

I appreciate your gems and save them.

Sincere thanks,


This is the best advise i have received ever… and believe me i have been reading quite a few of them over the past years.

More over, I used to be in finance where I applied this technique. you are a genius to have transplanted this idea to relationships…. I have been very sad for the last couple of months about a person… but in one mail you have made me feel so much better, you cannot begin to imagine. and you are so right…!!!

Thank you for that and keep up the good work.

A faithfull reader

Best regards,


I am very thankful for the information that I have gotten from James. It helped me meet and keep my man.

(A wedding announcement was attached to this email, she is on her way to being happily married because of James’ work.)

Thank you James for teaching me how to show respect to this amazing man! I feel very grateful.


LOVE THIS. Its something I have been doing naturally and it does exactly what you state. also I wanted you to know that I enjoy all your advise. TREMENDOUSLY!!


Thank you! This came at the perfect timing!


Dear James,

Good day, thank you for your inspirational emails, I’m learning a lot from them. I beginning to understand how men think and I appreciate the difference between women and men now. I’m a different person since I started reading your emails. Keep them flowing James.

God bless you.



You are awesome James!! I love that you are spreading such an empowering gracious message to others!!!

Keep them coming!!!!

Laurel D


This is one of the best things you have shared with your subscribers. To learn to keep “swimming” even when down and out, either financially and/or emotionally, is key in relationships and I am glad you wrote this short story. Caring for and about others is a Godly thing and it also takes one’s mind off of your own problems as well as puts them in proper prospective. Today I was feeling overwhelmed with responsibilities, relationships, and demands on me, and when I read this it put me back on track.

Thank you.


Dear James,

I really enjoyed this program and wanted to thank you for creating something that was special and totally left of center compared to most dating advice. The wisdom you’ve shared has transcended into all parts of my life, from where I go to who I spend time with to what I nourish my body with.

I was pleasantly surprised by the wealth of information I received, and for your ability to merge science and mysticism in such an exquisite way. I received more than I bargained for and I so appreciate you for that!

Warmest wishes for a soul-inspiring new year!


Oh my goodness – THIS WORKS!!!!

I have always struggled with being able to speak my mind when I have feelings for someone. I can do it when I am calm, but not when I am in the ‘feeling’ moment. So right after reading this last night, I had my an old fling that had stood me up and I never heard from again, text me. I was able to respond back not with venom, but with, this is how I felt when you did that. (not is a mushy way) and the responses were amazing. I got closure and I said my peace. Then I have another guy that I am dating that is VERY casual, almost too much who was pushing back getting together again. So, the first few times he did this, I either didn’t respond, or I was ‘light’ about it, not wanting to appear clingy. Tonight, I said how it made me feel and that his actions and words were not lining up and it was confusing me. And STOPPED THERE. That is the hard part. ACK! Got a date next week. ha!


I have to say James I was a bit skeptical at first when I was starting this program of yours. I’m married have been for 12 years, this is a second marriage for both of us. Your words on respect are SPOT ON! He has done a complete turn around since I started talking to him in a different way.

WOW to be honest I was upset with myself at first because we really could not afford for me to spend the money on the program. But it has saved my marriage (so far) I hope in the long run forever.

Just wanted to take a minute to tell you thanks!



Compliments of the new year. How are you doing. Thank you for this advice, I’m actually going through this “back up” scenario. Im relieved to hear you spell out the difference. I can gladly say that in my case there is a silver lining. He passed Part 1 and he delivered a moving speech on how I have helped her appreciate love, and how he has grown in the area of love since he met me. He went on and on. I was touched and felt I can give him a chance to get his act together. We dont communicate much or see each other often but our love is growing stronger each day. Thank you once again for your tips, I read them all the time and they are very helpful.

Kind regards,


Really love your articles – you write, not only with knowledge, but with depth, warmth and compassion.

You give really great advice!

Thank you!


Hope this gets through. Just want you to know how very much I DO appreciate your thoughts and insights in these emails!!!

PLEASE don’t stop. You are so insightful and have helped me so much.


I just want to thank you for this article. For years, I have been wondering why I have such difficult times letting go of men in my life. This makes total sense. I just need to find the way to navigate it.

Again, thank you.


Dear James,

I don’t know if you’re going to read this, but i’ll take a few seconds to tell you sincerely: Thank you!

I appreciate the fact that what you write is rational, with good intentions and valuable. Therefore, your deserve a big THANK YOU!



AND thanks for sharing this with women… I have started this practice a while well as the one of letting men know what would please me so that they do not have to read my mind

You are really the best coach out there James..You are very generous with your information… Do you have an older brother…

…and yes, I have bought one of your courses but for the life of me I do not know where I hid it..that said, I get a lot out of your generous posts as well.

With Great Respect,


Dear James,

I’ve been reading a lot of life and dating newsletter. Yours are often the more original and interesting.

Thank you for sharing your clever insights with us!



I have been reading your emails for quite some time now and I wanted to thank you for your words. I believe that they have helped me a lot in my relationship, not only with understand my man but in understanding myself as well.

Today’s article came at just the perfect time and I really needed to hear it – that I shouldn’t wait until all the little problems are fixed before being warm. Sometimes I get frustrated and then I realize that I’m doing the exact thing that I’m getting frustrated at him for.

Keep doing what you’re doing. I always look forward to your emails and ways I can be more irresistible.

Thank you,


Hey James,

All I can say is Thank You, Thank You, You….

I really enjoy your emails, they are insightful and thought provoking.

The main reason I enjoy your emails and look forward to them is that you offer me honest advice about relationships, other relationship coaches say, “If you want to make a man loves you do this and do that,” then they put some link on where yet another relationship coach is offering advice and will tell their story how they stumbled upon the Secret Man Code, Love Code, Sex code etc…and how people pay millions for this advice but if you buy the program now, you will get an exclusive offer……Utter crap. sorry..

I did buy your ebook “What men secretly want.” and I was impressed. It gets you thinking which is what I want in a book.

I look so forward to your emails, as I learn from every single one of them.

Kind Regards,


Dear James,

I know I have written you in the past and complimented your extremely effective dating tips, but I just had to tell you once again, THANK YOU! You have such great insight to the male and female psyche!

It’s sooooo soooo true! And it’s just so very helpful advice that you send and I thank you for all your efforts and caring!

I also want to wish you a very healthy and happy new year!



Thanks for such powerful, tremendous and thoughtful guidance.

This speaks to my heart, because I greatly value depth and strong foundations (as many of us do, at heart).

The beauty of what you share is guiding a process that’s both beautiful, intentional and practical..because this feels like the exquisite work it takes to weave real intimacy.

(Why am I reminded of the care with which bower birds build their nests?)

Thank you so much.



I have to say James, I have seen a few of these sites and I am impressed by your generosity and compassion. I truly get the feeling that you are interested in not only making connections, but healing souls..

I am not sure which the man I am intrigued with is…butyou are helping me get closer to understanding more than any other “coach” has.

Thank you

With Great Respect,


Hi James,

Can I just say I am so happy that I sign up for your book and emails.

I have always been a positive person and I definitely feel you have to work on being happy and surround yourself with positive people.

Thanks for the emails and the advice.

Best Regards

Laura B.